Essential Listening: Dave Grohl's True Stories Series Champions Teachers

Essential Listening: Dave Grohl's True Stories Series Champions Teachers

- By Ramon Gonzales

The first audio installment of Grohl's Instagram handle tackles the schools of reopening schools amid the ongoing pandemic.

First and foremost, hop on Instagram now and follow Dave Grohl's True Stories Instagram account immediately. It's been a digital bacon of light since March. A sorely needed one at that.

Opting to submit an audio entry this time around, Grohl has released an 8-minute audio version of his True Stories Series titled, In Defense of Our Teachers. While acknowledging his own shortcomings as a student (he bailed from school in the 11th grade to make music), Grohl reiterated his appreciation for educators; he was raised by one.

While recounting the kind of sacrifice and years service his mother dedicated "both at home and at work," Grohl would go onto express a sincere concern with reopening schools in the name of "rosy optics."

While speaking highly of his devoted mother who mirrored that devotion with her students, Grohl explains, "Now 82 and retired, she runs down a list of concerns based on her 35 years of experience: Masks and distancing, temperature checks, crowded bussing, crowded hallways, sports, air-conditioning systems, lunchrooms, public restrooms, janitorial staff. Most schools already struggle from a lack of resources. How can they possibly afford the mountain of safety measures that will need to be in place?”

In short, the following 8-minute installment is a brilliant example of practical dialogue. The musician, and father, tackles the limitations of remote learning and refers to the specialized skill of teachers as the "X factor." He acknowledges the distractions associated with the model and refers to the distanced version of education as an "Inconvenient and hopefully temporary solution."

Grohl punctuates the entry by referring to teachers as "national treasures" and "tireless altruists" that deserve to be treated as such. It really is essential listening.

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