The adult animated comedy series King of the Hill was a defining moment for the medium, running for a whopping 13 seasons during its original run on Fox. The series has been incredibly influential and just flat out hilarious, and is one of the most successful and beloved animated sitcoms there is. The all-American show followed the mundane day-to-day struggles of Hank Hill (Mike Judge), his family, and the many other eccentric personalities in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas.
King of the Hill may not be set for a huge comeback over twenty years later. Series creators Greg Daniels and Mike Judge have reunited to form their own animation company, Bandera Entertainment, that reportedly has various animated projects in development. The two have hinted that as far as their landmark original series goes, something is definitely in the works.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Daniels and Judge are also developing a Netflix series called Bad Crimes, a children's show starring Sacha Baron Cohen, and much more. “We were very excited to go into different tones and different styles and try to expand the animation art form,” Daniels told the outlet. “We’re in a golden age for content, right? That’s animation, too. That was one of the things we were talking about in founding the company: ‘Let’s push animation into all these different genres.'”
Judge is also directly involved with the upcoming revival of Beavis and Butt-Head, so a new age of adult animated comedy seems to be on the horizon. Fans of King of the Hill hopefully won't have to wait too long for more news and some kind of first look for the series' comeback.