Get the free 2020 label sampler from Prosthetic Records featuring 28 tracks

Get the free 2020 label sampler from Prosthetic Records featuring 28 tracks

- By Ramon Gonzales

The sampler includes all of the artists released on Prosthetic in 2020 including Venom Prison, Undeath, ACxDC, Fires In The Distance, Judicator, Foretoken, Four Stroke Baron and more.

Closing out 2020, heavy music authority Prosthetic Records has compiled a label sampler that showcases every artist that released music under their banner throughout the year.

The label sampler is a 28-track collection of tunes that range from death metal to doom with the kind of diversity that reiterates why the label continues to be such an important pillar in the culture of heavy music.

Among the artists corralled for the compilation sampler include death metal prospects Undeath, who earned the cosign from Back Dahlia Murder frontman Trevor Strnad. Also featured on the comp is power metal outfit Judicator who released their Let Their Be Nothing album this year.

Arguably having their best year during such dismal circumstances, Venom Prison is also featured prominently on the compilation. The band's Primeval release saw a reworking of previous EPs, Defy The Tyrant and The Primal Chaos, coupled with two new tracks. The single, "Daemon Vulgaris" is included on the compilation and reiterates just why the band has amassed so much hype.

From symphonic shredders like Foretoken to the Irish-based thrash of Gama Bomb, to the menacing grind of ACxDC, this sampler is a must.

Stream/Download the 2020 Prothetic Records Label sampler - HERE

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