Logic signs 7-figure streaming deal with Twitch

Logic signs 7-figure streaming deal with Twitch

- By Ramon Gonzales

The announcement comes a week after the rapper announced his retirement.

As reported by The Verge, Logic has penned an exclusive deal with Twitch to stream a dedicated amount of hours every week, though the rapper readily admits that minimum won't be an issue. The deal is the first exclusive partnership between Twitch and a musician and sets a high bar, with the details reportedly having Logic earning a 7-figure payday.

The musician has made no bear bones about his soured taste for social media. What seems particularly appealing about his deal with Twitch is the ability to proactively connect with fans while implementing gatekeeping measures to mitigate the vile negativity that exists among the faceless online community.

When he is not onstage or in the studio, he is Sir Robert Bryson Hall II. The anti-celebrity was quoted via The Verge, “I’m not this rapper guy, man,” explains Hall. “I’m just a nerd. I love video games.” In fact, Hall has been a regular presence on the broadcast platform for nearly five years now. “I think it’s a powerful platform that allows me to connect with my fans in the best way possible. And the safest way possible for someone in my position.”

The partnership begins right away for Logic as the rapper will premiere his final album, No Pressure, exclusively on the Twitch platform. The broadcast will begin at 5pm PST / 8pm EST on July 21st, giving Logic's Twitch followers access to the album three days before it's official release.

Promising a healthy dose of levity, Logic assures his fans that he is looking to keep the platform pure. “I’m not going to be on Twitch, having political debates. I’m going to be on Twitch, helping people after they’ve had a day of protesting or political debates, unwind and laugh and smile. And if you want to know how I feel about the world, you listen to my music.”

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