Fieldy of KORN discusses his StillWell project, the internet police, and the importance of staying rock ready in the Electric Theater

Fieldy of KORN discusses his StillWell project, the internet police, and the importance of staying rock ready in the Electric Theater

- By Ramon Gonzales

Fieldy of KORN joins clown of Slipknot for conversation in the Electric Theater that touches on the rigors of touring, navigating the downtime in between the chaos, and how constantly being creative is a fundamental part of their DNA.

This week's addition to the Electric Theater began with a quick history lesson shared between Fieldy of Korn and the clown.

Both bands had formative recording sessions for their debut records at Indigo Ranch Studios, right along the California coast in scenic Malibu. The guys would trade stories about less than ideal sleeping arrangements and $5 a day per diem money to eat, but the kicker was a white disc that clown recalls seeing signed by KORN in the studio.

That white disc was part of a microwaveable pizza box. The reason clown knew it was because at the time, he was on that same shoestring budget that KORN once was - eating microwave pizza, sleeping in the studio, and making music with dreams of hitting it big with their craft. It was a fond memory that gave both guys a reason to laugh.

Currently, Fieldy is in the thick of promotion for his latest recorded effort with his passion project StillWell. Working with Wuv of P.O.D. and Q-Unique of The Arsonists and King's Bounty, the band released their third album, Supernatural Miracle, just last month. Despite that kind of longevity, Fieldy explains that it's tough to reiterate to fans that his tenure with Korn is still very much a thing.

Addressing the kind of creative drive that both clown and Fieldy share, the guys discussed how the routine of touring for their primary bands only adds to their need to create during downtime. For Fieldy and clown, soothing that creative itch does mean assuring fans that the effort outside of the band they are known for isn't to spite anyone, it's simply a result of their DNA - they need to keep creating, working, producing - whether their primary project is active or not.

As for the nexus of StillWell, Fieldy recounted meeting frontman Q-Unique through his relationship with the clothing brand Tribal. The two would begin working on music together and found a kinship that has endured for years. Enlisting longtime friend and co-hort WUV of P.O.D., the trio has been working together for well over a decade. Fieldy attributes the longevity of the project to not only the creative chemistry the guys share, but the friendship that was the foundation.

The touring veterans found common ground in navigating downtime. Sharing stories about going from the stage to the hotel with days in between the next gig, sitting idle and isolated is an often an unaddressed job hazard that touring musicians know too well. For Fieldy, being able to continuously work on music, be it with Korn or StillWell, affords him an outlet that keeps him busy and keeps him creative.

Stream the complete conversation with clown of Slipknot and Fieldy of KORN in the latest episode of the Electric Theater below.

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