Ice Nine Kills Celebrate 45th Anniversary of The Classic Film Jaws

Ice Nine Kills Celebrate 45th Anniversary of The Classic Film Jaws

- By Ramon Gonzales

The band release a mini documentary ice Nine Kills and the Jaws Harpoon Gun and limited edition Rocking the Boat Merch

Ice Nine Kills continue up the ante when it comes to showing their love for the horror genre. To mark the 45th anniversary of the monumental horror classic Jaws, the band has introduced a mini-documentary called Ice Nine Kills and the Jaws Harpoon Gun.

The film tells the story of how INK guitarist, Ricky Armellino and his father came to be in the possession of the original, screen-used harpoon gun from the classic horror movie. Ricky's father recounts the tale of how a series of events lead to the very special weapon landing in his hands.

The band has a particularly special place in their heart for the film as the it served as the inspiration behind the track, Rocking the Boat on the band's 2018 album, The Silver Scream. The namesake now carries over to the limited edition merch that is now available via the band;'s Nightmare on Ninth webstore. The gear features creative plays on the iconic imagery of the film, given the Ice Nine treatment, of course.

The band's frontman Spencer Charnas spoke about the connection the band has to the film. “The horror prop gods smiled upon INK with this extremely cool connection to one of the most important horror films of all time. Now that we have one of the harpoon guns, all we need is a piece of The Orca or The Kintner boy’s severed torso...”

Watch Ice Nine Kills and the Jaws Harpoon Gun below

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