Road Dogs: Vended share the wild ride of their first headlining tour

Road Dogs: Vended share the wild ride of their first headlining tour

- By Ramon Gonzales

The Des Moines crew report on the highs that come with the hard work of hauling from city to city to share their craft.

Getting acclimated to life on the road is not for the faint of heart. Between the late night drives, the inconsistent sleep, the drive-thru diet, and the reliance on caffeine - there is a level of sacrifice involved with caring enough about your craft to travel from city to city to share it.

For emerging Des Monies outfit Vended, the band's first headlining tour is comes packaged with plenty of emotion. There is a sense of excitement that comes with the exploration of something new. Each night is a new opportunity to not only see a different city, but to make a connection with a whole new crop of fans from each stage. From load in to load out, the process is still fresh, fun, and a new frontier - which makes the haul and everything that comes with it, worth it.

Currently spotting the country in support of their debut EP, What Is It / Kill It, the November run with Hazing Over and Omerta is the realization of a dream for Vended, the culmination of a three years stretch dating back to the first inception of the band forged by drummer Simon Crahan and vocalist Griffin Taylor. Rounded out with bassist Jeremiah Pugh and guitarists Cole Espeland and Connor Grodzicki - the band's unhinged approach to audio aggression, has resonated with a new generation of heavy music enthusiasts and 2021 has proven as such.

Prior to the band's current run, Vended earned appearances on two of metal music's biggest stages in both Knotfest Iowa and Knotfest LA - and resoundingly delivered the goods. Helming opening spots is never an easy task but the band managed to not only make the most of their time, they in fact proved especially convincing, making a statement in the process that the new school of heavy had a promising new collective of contributors.

Primed for the road, the band harnessed the momentum of their festival appearances and armed with the arsenal of songs in What Is It / Kill It, have hit the road to spread their gospel of volatility. The reception suggests that the trajectory of the band is no fluke. Saying Vended are on the rise is an understatement and coupled with their commitment to grinding it out in a van from city to city - the work ethic only augments the raw talent that is impossible to deny.

To get a personal perspective of life on the road direct from the band, the latest edition of the Knotfest Tour log checks in with Vended as they charge though the itinerary of their very first headlining run. From the highs of watching fans singalong to new songs, to the less than glamorous long hauls and load-ins - this is the reality of the road from Vended - all of it.

Last night we played in Richmond, VA.

We’re about halfway through the shows for this tour and it’s been fucking crazy! Each city has been moshing and throwing down with us. The fans have been awesome!

This is our first tour ever as a band.

We kicked off in Nashville a week ago and have been learning what it’s like to be on the road and live in a van with your brothers. Loading in gear, selling merch, driving after shows, and being exhausted all the time, we’re all learning how to be road warriors.

As far the shows go all of them have been intense. Fans have been singing lyrics back to us, moshing, doing circle pits and walls of death. It’s been surreal seeing all of that.

Also shout out to Hazing over and Omerta the other bands on this tour with us, super cool guys and super talented musicians.

Vended perform at the legendary Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn tonight on the next stop of their run with Hazing Over and Omerta.

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