The third installment of the ongoing dive deep with Falling In Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke finds the musician discussing the unique vantage point of being a veteran in the game.
Having amassed real success and having done so multiple times throughout his career, the conversation explored the concepts of longevity and the kind of resilience required to keep on, despite being counted out by the skeptics.
Explaining that the real metric for him is quality songwriting, Radke has arrived at a place in his personal and professional life where he wants to make something that lasts and be remembered as someone who contributed to the culture in an important way. Less about confrontation, though he will never shy away from it, Radke's staying power is underscored by his emphasis on creating quality art that stands the test of time.
Watch the third part of the interview series below.
0:23 - Proactive art - Ronnie details how is approach to his craft is much more planned out now as opposed to earlier in his career when it was much more reactive. As a result, the final product is still compelling and provocative, just less confrontational.
0:49 - Radke explains the how quality songs extend the shelf life as an artist. The true metric of an artist is the quality of their music and at this stage in his career, that is what fuels his creative drive. Rather than phoning it in or relying on spectacle, Radke's ambition is to make music that lives on longer than he does.
2:00 - The conversation steers toward the notion of longevity. With that, Radke references the likes of Corey Taylor, Jacoby Shaddix, Breaking Benjamin, In This Moment, and A Day to Remember as artists that have figured how to endure without compromising their creative integrity.
2:43 - Radke confides his fear of being considered washed up and details how throughout his career, he's been able to one-up himself despite being written off by critics. Against all odds, Radke has continued to ascend when many thought his time was up, a reality that Radke attributes to quality songwriting. "Looks fade. Songs are forever."
4:08- Exploring the idea of guilty pleasures, Radke shares that he has none. Explaining how he appreciates Adele, Enimen, early G-Unit, and the melodies of Avril Lavigne, the musician makes it clear that his taste is not something he veils - though he might stop short of bumping Av's "Girlfriend" at a stoplight.
5:08 - Referencing Eminem again, Radke explains how the fickle world of the internet makes claims of how artists are washed up, when their numbers suggest otherwise. While the narrative surrounding Em is littered with a loud few saying he is washed, the millions upon millions of monthly listeners he has clearly shows that is not the case. Radke explains that seeing this phenomenon happen to a GOAT, helps him to not take the naysayers so personally.
6:18 - Getting into people's need to compare, Radke talks about how that strange quality of humanity is what limits people from getting into something that they might not understand. The reality is that people are much more inclined to talk shit online then they are to show love online. Radke says, people that love you, don't feel the need to jump online and tell you.
9:03 - The frontman went on to share a story that puts his career into perspective. His bass player Tyler framed it as, "You went to prison for two and half years and now you are sitting in the director's chair for a video for a reimagined version of a song that you wrote in prison that went gold - after getting kicked out of a very successful first band. You got two chances, while only 1% percent of the population, only gets one chance." That context was something that has stuck with Radke since.
10:35 - Older and wiser, Radke shares that he is at a place in life where he doesn't want to have his hands up. While he won't shy away from confrontation, it isn't something he is actively looking for. Confident in himself as a person and an artist, the persona of being the guy you love to hate is something he wants to put in the rearview.