Attack Attack Debut New Track, "Concrete"

Attack Attack Debut New Track, "Concrete"

- By Ramon Gonzales

Check the latest from the cult favorites as they embark on their modern era.

Following last year's rollout of the band's Darker Waves EP and the start of their modern era metalcore lifers Attack Attack set the wheels in motion for more music and more touring. Delivering the first new offering of the year, the band, now led by original member Andrew Wetzel, have begun their 2024 with the debut of "Concrete". 

The hard-hitting single which premiered SiriusXM Octane frames the band's embrace of well-polished metalcore, complete with big choruses, powerful song dynamics and the occasional electronic accents that have long been the signature of the band. 

Attack Attack downsized to a four piece earlier this year. Though Attack Attack have yet to comment on the departure of founding member Andrew Whiting since their Darker Waves campaign, the remaining members of the unit look to press ahead with new music under the beloved metalcore moniker. 

Along with the debut of the new single, the band has launched an accompanying merch capsule specific for the single. Shop the band's store - HERE

Stream the latest from Attack Attack below. 



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