Scowl and Flatspot Records Cut Ties with SXSW

Scowl and Flatspot Records Cut Ties with SXSW

- By Ramon Gonzales

Several bands including GEL have followed suit in opposition to defense companies sponsoring the conference.


Hardcore standouts Scowl along with their record label Flatspot Records were initially slated to make a big splash at this year's SXSW festivities in Austin, TX. Set to headline the SXSW edition of Flatspot World, the label's official showcase, both entities have since opted out of anything connected with the organization. 

Citing conflict with sponsors involved with SXSW, the label and the band have since issued public statements, cancelling anything officially associated with the four letters. This includes pulling the official Flatspot World showcase with SXSW and moving it to a new venue in The Little Darlin - relinquishing their official title as a SXSW presentation.

The move was prompted by the involvement of defense companies as sponsors for the annual conference. The U.S. Army as well as Raytheon subsidiaries are among the 2024 sponsors and the association has prompted several musicians to cancel their involvement in solidarity with ongoing victims in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Scowl spoke clearly about their convictions and shared that while they will still be performing at all unofficial showcases, they have cut ties with SXSW given their roster of sponsors. 

"Scowl is no longer performing at any of our previously scheduled "official" SXSW showcases. 
We came to this decision in protest of the U.S. Army's sponsorship of SXSW. 
As well as the involvement of RTX (formerly Raytheon), Collins Aerospace, and BAE Systems whom have direct ties to the manufacturing and supplying of weapons used against Palestinians. 
We refuse to be complicit in the face of genocide in Palestine. 
We refuse to participate in the war machine. 
We will still be performing at our scheduled unofficial showcases."

Flatpot Records, home to hardcore contemporary wave in Scowl, Speed, Zulu and more have echoed the sentiment, opting to make their showcase a free event for fans with a new locaiton. "Flatspot Records is removing our official showcase from SXSW. We will not support the involvement of the U.S. Army and defense companies at SXSW. Flatspot World is still a go, now at The Little Darlin - Free and All Ages. Doors will now be at 4pm."

In the wake of the protest and show of solidarity with the people of Palestine, GEL have also announced they will no longer be involved in this year's official SXSW festivities. 



In response to the involvement of defense contractors in SXSW, Austin for Palestine Coalition began an initiative imploring SXSW to remove RTX (formerly Raytheon), as well as Collins Aerospace and the British defense contractor BAE Systems from the conference. Get the details - HERE


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