The legend of the Cocaine Bear has been known across the internet for years. An American black bear stumbled across and ate millions of dollars worth of smuggled cocaine in the Georgia wilderness back in the 80s; a funny enough story on its own (besides the fact that the drugs are likely what killed the bear) that has now been expanded into a fantastically gory and ludicrous Hollywood movie. Directed by Elizabeth Banks, Cocaine Bear is a B-movie with a budget that's caused a hilarious buzz online and off, dominating the February box office thanks to its own ridiculousness.
So it should come as no surprise that people are looking to cash in with the premise of "Drugs + Animal = Profit". Infamous moviemaking studio The Asylum has already announced the arrival of this year's best upcoming movie title: Attack of the Meth Gator. Do you even need a plot to go with that? Did you need a plot to go with Cocaine Bear? If you're into this, you're eating it up, much like the bear did to the cocaine and the gator will apparently do to the meth.
The Asylum is known for their quick, low-budget knock-offs of Hollywood hits, boasting titles such as Snakes on a Train, Top Gunner: Danger Zone, Jurassic Domination, and of course, their beloved Sharknado franchise. The studio tweeted out a poster of Attack of the Meth Gator along with the caption "Hold our bear...I mean, beer. Coming for your life this summer." If you're looking for an actual good horror movie about killer Florida gators (we are presuming Meth Gator is from Florida, right?), you should check out Crawl. If you're looking for tried and true low-budget absurdity, just wait for Attack of the Meth Gator this summer.