For the latest installment of the Heavy Awards-Nominated podcast, The Downbeat, host Craig Reynolds welcomes professional body builder, fitness model and health and wellness personality Hana Devore for a discussion that runs the gamut from biohacking to quality weed.
Among the takeways from the discussion included a trek back to Devore's earliest years a competitive bodybuilder and how she balanced being a marketing professional while still competing as an elite level athlete. The discussion also touched on the rigors the circuit and how some professional bodybuilders really hav a tough time making the economics of the industry work in their favor.
Devore also spent some time advocating practical means of remaining active and stabilizing your body in a way that proves overall fitness and not needing to necessarily isolate problem areas. She offered the example not needing to do sit-up to get rid of belly fat. The idea is to stabilize your body with regular activity - she goes onto explain how this varies from body building.
There was also the occasional mention of Every Time I Die's Andy Williams - Devore's significant other who also happens to be a professional wrestler and a massive wall of a man.
The pair also got into a very detailed conversation about something most people never give a second thought to - breathing. Citing author James Nestor and his book, Breath: The New Science of A Lost Art as well as the Wim Hof Method of breathing, the premise of this portion of the talk was simple - "if you did something 25,000 times a day, wouldn't you want to do it right?"
Dissecting the science of breathing and the infinite health benefits of doing it properly, Devore and Reynolds both advocated for passionately for the education of the these breathing techniques and how it plays such an integral role in overall health and optimizing your body's potential.
Sticking on the notion of doing things naturally, Devore also confided her experiences with birth control and how she has since embraced more natural means of contraceptive. Explaining how synthetic hormone interference come with a litany of problems, Devore shared that the information is now in abundance as to a more holistic alternative for those looking for something different.
There was also some discussion about mushrooms on a couple different levels. Sharing experiences about the psychedelic type, both Reynolds and Devore agreed that your surrounding environment when taking psychedelics is especially important. There was also some discussion about cordyceps and how there are some performance benefits for athletes in the fungi. What Devore makes sure to reinforce is the idea that most of these natural supplements all involve some level of trial and error that most people have to be willing to explore to see the benefits.
Stream the complete conversation with Hana Devore on the latest episode of The Downbeat with Craig Reynolds below.