Trolling online shitty coffee drag culture and releasing a debut album - Dying Wish’s Emma Boster guests on The Downbeat

Trolling online, shitty coffee, drag culture and releasing a debut album - Dying Wish's Emma Boster guests on The Downbeat

- By Ramon Gonzales

The award-winning podcast welcomes one of the genre's most promising vocalists for a chat that touches on everything from Veganism to dodging aggro-male energy in heavy music.

The latest edition of the recent Heavy Music Award winning podcast with Craig Reynolds in The Downbeat welcomes Dying Wish vocalist Emma Boster for a casual chat prompted by the band's soon-to-be-released debut, Fragments of a Bitter Memory.

After exchanging some subtleties about their shared caffeine addiction, their love/hate relationship with intermittent fasting and the affinity for working in the gym, Boster and Reynolds happened to arrive on the topic of the recent Nirvana Nevermind album cover controversy.

With each weighing in with their own thoughts on the pending lawsuit from the child, now adult, who is asking for $150,000 from each of the participants from the iconic album cover. Though each had varying, at times conflicting opinions on the hot button subject, both agreed that Dave Grohl certainly has the dough to give to the guy - but does doing so concede guilt?

The conversation provided a transition as good as any to get into Dying Wish's new album, Fragments of A Bitter Memory. Slated to arrive on SharpTone records on October 1, Boster gushed about her excitement surrounding the project and the band's upcoming tour with Motionless In White and Silent Planet.

Keeping the album discussion fairly light, the two then began joking around about the inner band practice of using funny working titles while fleshing out ideas during the songwriting process. The conversation was particularly interesting as songs that are usually pretty serious often times have damn near ridiculous working titles during their work in progress.

The studio discussion ultimately lead to Reynolds and Boster getting into an exchange about Veganism - with the vocalist citing that it was the best decision she feels she could’ve made. Identifying ethical reasons, and her desire to not contribute to pollution or the unnecessary harming of animals, she did not soapbox about her lifestyle choice, but rather shared her enthusiasm for it. Reynolds on the other hand, confided that his tendency to lean towArds veganism is a bit more confrontational. He shared that he enjoys trolling the "bacon enthusiast" of the world by trumpeting his vegan cuisine. Laughter ensued.

In the spirit of that same digital antagonism, Reynolds talked the enjoyment he gets from dressing in drag and how it often is divisive among the fans online. Both Boster and Reynolds talked about blocking people regularly on their social media, but Reynolds took it a step further and confided that he likes to poke the bear a bit more and fuck with people that have particularly ignorant points of view. Simply put, Reynolds summarizes his sentiment by sharing that he has hate for people who are filled with hate and he feels compelled to smoke them – not literally of course.

Ironically, Boster confides that she has a hard time finding a mean-spirited bone in her body. Despite the fact that she is the vocalist and fronts and especially aggressive band, her personality is very non-confrontational almost to a detriment. Though she does find those instances where she is willing to voice her dissent, especially with adversarial authority, the front woman confides that the culture of Aggro-male aggression in heavy music is still very much a thing and likely something she will have to contend with as a touring musician.

The pair then began to unpack a very nuanced conversation with regards to gender roles, sexuality, and the criteria or lack there of in terms of identifying with the queer culture. Boster explained that being a woman and identifying as queer are both very beautiful things to her and among the aspects that she particularly enjoys is the individuality that both seem to nurture. Detailing a culture of inclusiveness and support, both Reynolds and Boster reiterated the importance of being an ally within the community and not coming off as pandering to it.

Reeling the conversation back in, Reynolds steered back towards Dying Wish's emergence within the space of heavy music. Referencing early Y2K-era metalcore like Killswitch Engage and even early Lamb of God, Reynolds was enthusiastic about the Portland-band's connection to a classic sound. Boster explained that the stylistic signature is very much intentional and the result of guitarist's Sam Reynolds (No relation) love for bands like At The Gates. Combined with the band's collective love for hardcore, the mesh has resulted in a modern amalgam of genre's that take the best of heavy music and present something that feels familiar and fresh all at once.

Stream the complete conversation with Emma Boster of Dying Wish on the latest episode of THE AWARD-WINNING PODCAST, The Downbeat below.

Fragments of a Bitter Memory arrives October 1st via Sharptone Records. Pre-order the album - HERE.

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