Squared Circle Pit - WrestleMania 39 Weekend Vlog

Squared Circle Pit - WrestleMania 39 Weekend Vlog

Travel with host Rob Pasbani to Los Angeles for WrestleMania 39 weekend and see all the events Rob takes in while in town, including Game Changer Wrestling, DDT, Minoru Suzuki Karaoke, Ring of Honor and much more. Rob does a quick recap of some of his favorite matches.

For more great matches from WrestleMania weekend, check out Rob's column, the Best Matches of WrestleMania Weekend Not At WrestleMania.


Here are some full length videos from the clips in the above vlog, starting with the coolest clip, the full stream of me co-judging the Minoru Suzuki Karaoke Competition:


I recorded a live Squared Circle Pit with Circle6 stars Vinnie Massaro, champ Zachary Wentz and Cassanova Valentine. (The audio issues get fixed about three minutes in.) Take a look:


Also, I appeared on the WWE2k live stream to talk about the game, the soundtrack and my obsession with MyGM mode:


Do you enjoy pro wrestling? Knotfest Wrestling has a bi-weekly column filled with wrestling news. Read previous editions of this column here. You can always follow me @robinjection on Instagram and Twitter and @Squaredcirclpit.

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