A 'BioShock' Movie is Officially Underway

A 'BioShock' Movie is Officially Underway

- By Nicolás Delgadillo

Netflix has announced a movie based on the hit video game series.

The BioShock series has been widely acclaimed for its wickedly fun first-person-shooter gameplay, decisions-based narrative, and hefty themes that touch on many deep philosophical, political, and moral concepts. The three games are brilliant in their own respective rights, and the story and unique setting - that of an underwater city in the 1960s and another floating city in the 1910s - has obviously inspired several filmmakers.

Gore Verbinski, best known for directing The Ring, the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, and Rango, was originally set to be attached with a script by John Logan (The Aviator, Sweeney Todd, Skyfall). The project faced a difficult road in getting made with the needed budget and rating restrictions, and eventually was cancelled after years of uncertainty.

Netflix has now announced that they've partnered with Take-Two Interactive, the game’s parent company, to develop a potential cinematic universe. Vertigo Entertainment and Take-Two will serve as producers. No names are attached yet, but many fans - including celebrities like Elijah Wood - have already made it known online that they're interested in getting Verbinski back. Here's hoping.

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