The Mosh Talks interview with clown of Slipknot – Part Three

The Mosh Talks interview with clown of Slipknot – Part Three

- By Ramon Gonzales

clown details how specific Slipknot songs really showcased the band's artistry early on and discussed the album more than a decade in the making with 'Look Outside Your Window'

The comprehensive discussion with clown of Slipknot via Mosh Talks continues with an examination of how pivotal songs in the Slipknot catalog marked cultural shifts in the artistic presence of the band.

The catalyst for this segment of the discussion splintered from the song "Spiders" from We Are Not Your Kind, a track that has not only become one of the band's most lauded, but also served as an example of the kind of versatility and range that continues to set Slipknot apart from the pack.

clown would go onto explain how there were previous examples of that kind of potential that surfaced throughout Slipknot's catalog, extending all the way back to the self-titled record. Prioritizing their desire to push the envelope creativity, the ability to defy expectation is an aspect of the band that is integral to their existence and has been a distinguishing characteristic of Slipknot since day one.

clown would also dig into the passion project with himself, Jim Root, Corey Taylor and Sid Wilson in Look Outside Your Window. An effort more than a decade in the making, the album is an important work of art that the guys are being patient in unveiling, primarily so they can give it all of their attention when the time is right.

Stream the complete conversation in part three of the Mosh Talks interview with clown of Slipknot below.

:07 - Referring to his "art brain" manifesting on record, clown discusses how songs like "Tattered & Torn" from the self-titled album and "Gently" from Iowa were some of the first examples of that side of him emerging in Slipknot songs.

1:05 - "It's not a Slipknot song without all of us, I don't care who wrote it."

1:13 - "Circle" on the band's third record is when Slipknot started the movement towards making a song like "Spiders" on We Ae Not Your Kind.

2:15 - Providing a bit of backstory to "Circle" from Vol. 3 Subliminal Verses, clown shared how Jim initially brought the idea to the table. clown went on to revisit how the song was fleshed out in the dressing room of an arena during the band's Iowa touring cycle.

3:18 - clown discusses the significance of "Danger Keep Away" a song he wrote for Subliminal Verses and fought hard for along with Rick Rubin but ultimately lost. On the digipak of the album however, there is an extended version of the song, which is actually the original version of the track. It's a song that clown says is highly personal and the beginning a movement within the culture of Slipknot. clown maintains that both versions are the ultimately the right ones - they were just revealed to the world differently.

5:05 - Moving on to All Hope Is Gone, clown confides that was a very difficult era in the history of the band. He would go on to recall one of the very first songs they worked on during that time which is "Till We Die". The edit that exists now is actually 2-3 times shorter than the original and it's a song that clown describes as "art kicked in the balls."

6:30 - The album several years in the making in 'Look Outside Your Window' is discussed. clown shared that the project is just himself, Jim Root, Corey Taylor, and Sid Wilson and it has been completed. When referring to the album, clown shares that the art has been "vomited out" and that the delay in the record seeing light of day is more about waiting for the right time to release it, as it doesn't carry the Slipknot name. It really is it's own entity and can only be released when it doesn't distract from the priority which is Slipknot.

8:57 - The idea of releasing Look Outside Your Window could have happened during the pandemic given the captive audience, but didn't. clown explains how the album has been such a passion project that he is content to be patient in releasing it so that people can pursue other projects while they have the time and energy to do so. Look Outside Your Window has the kind of shelf life that will stand the test of time.

10:47 - clown contends that if Look Outside Your Window is going to have any negative effect on Slipknot, the world will never experience it. This particular project was to forge a new area of art and wasn't intended to spill into the Slipknot universe. clown keeps those two very separate and gives them each their own identity. clown likens the release of the project to becoming parents - it should only be don when the time is right and there are zero uncertainties about what the priorities are.

11:38 - When Look Outside Your Window finally does drop, clown beams with excitement in sharing that knows the moment will be a communion, something very special for the fans. It's also a project he is incredibly proud of and because of that, the anticipation in sharing it is almost just as good as actually releasing it.


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