Acclaimed producer Matt Good talks 90's hip hop and cheese-free rock with Hyro The Hero on the Mixtape Dive with Ryan Downey

Acclaimed producer Matt Good talks 90's hip hop and cheese-free rock with Hyro The Hero on the Mixtape Dive with Ryan Downey

- By Ramon Gonzales

The producer talks Hyro's ambitious Kids Versus the Monsters project and how creating counter culture music requires outside the boxing thinking and authenticity.

The latest in the series of conversations moderated by veteran music journalist Ryan J. Downey brings together acclaimed producer Matt Good with Hyro the Hero to further dissect the vocalist's forthcoming Kids Versus the Monsters mixtape due out later this year.

The series of segments has already brought together Hyro with fellow collaborators Brandon Sallor of Atreyu and AJ Channer of Fire From the Gods to better illuminate their tracks with the lyricist - now the fans get a unique perspective from behind the board as to the prowess and potency of such an ambitious compilation.

Revisiting their instant connection, both Good and Hyro bonded over their love of hip hop, exchanging their influences and their favorite contemporary artists, while cementing a working relationship that has since resulted in an impressive teaming on Kids Versus the Monsters.

Good goes onto explain that his formative years in the 90's, included a healthy diet of hip hop. Citing that he gravitated towards the more confrontational, witty spectrum of the craft - artists like Biggie, Tupac, and Wu-Tang Clan were among his obvious go-tos. Connecting with the attitude that the sound projected, Good quickly saw the similarities between hip hop and rock early on and it became an integral part of creative DNA.

As for combining the worlds, Hyro would go on to confide that the balance is not an easy one to find. Admittedly, there are plenty of artists that have attempted to fuse rock and hip hop to no avail, making a parody of the sound rather than seamless meld. Hyro credits Good's expertise and authenticity as the X-factor in achieving that marriage of cultures that steers clear of becoming cheesy - a very real danger that both work hard to avoid.

Watch the complete interview with Hyro The Hero, producer Matt Good and Ryan J. Downey on the latest edition of the Mixtape Dive below.

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