Ali Richardson of Bleed From Within talks 'Fracture' and their powerful streaming performance on Mosh Talks

Ali Richardson of Bleed From Within talks 'Fracture' and their powerful streaming performance on Mosh Talks

- By Ramon Gonzales

The drummer shares the successes of 2020 ahead of their October 16th live-streaming event, 'Viral Hysteria'

Ali Richardson of Bleed From Within stopped by for a stint on the Knotfest series Mosh Talks to discuss what has been a pivotal 2020 for the band.

Steering the conversation was the Glasgow outfits recent run of success between he release of their latest album Fracture and their powerful supporting slot during the Lamb of God global streaming event.

Reiterating that the band really has find their stride and come into their own with an album like Fracture, Richardson exuded a renewed sense of vigor that is permeating in the band's latest charge.

Coupled with the appearance on Mosh Talks was the news of Bleed From Within's own streaming event in Viral Hysteria. Set for October 16th, the broadcast showcases the band's visually-stunning performance the first aired for the Lamb of God stream.

The set marked the first live performance of tracks like "Into Nothing" and others from their Spring 2020 release Fracture - making this already milestone event additionally important.


Richardson would continue to recount the setbacks of 2020 and explain how the band opted to press on and persevere. Dealing with postponed then cancelled tours and talks of delaying the release of what has been their strongest recorded effort to date, the guys in Bleed From Within stayed the course and are seeing the benefits of that commitment in their reception from the fans.

There is a healthy appetite for Bleed From Within and be it the lay off or the restored confidence in their sound, the band is currently firing on all cylinders and seeing their stock rise because of it.

Bleed From Within's Viral Hysteria streaming performance broadcasts October 16th at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10 BST / 11pm CET and will be available on-demand for a limited time following the live stream. Tickets and exclusive merchandise bundles are available - HERE

Watch the complete interview with Ali Richardson of Bleed From Within on the knotfest Series Mosh Talks below.

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