Emerging hardcore outfit Gulch exceed the expectations they never had

Emerging hardcore outfit Gulch exceed the expectations they never had

- By Ramon Gonzales

Frontman Elliot Morrow visits Mosh Talks to discuss the weirdness of having fans and what it was like recording vocals in car.

Elliot Morrow of the band GULCH sat in for a conversation on Mosh Talks to discuss the band's latest record, Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress and the band's quickly rising stock in among the hardcore community.

Though the band had already cultivated a healthy following among those in the know of their California, Bay-Area circles, the band's 2019 appearance at the pilgrimage known as This Is Hardcore changed their trajectory for good. (Check the footage filmed by none of than hate5six.)

In fact, the recent release of the band's record via Closed Casket Activities was met with surreal anticipation with physical copies of the vinyl version selling out upon release.

It's a reality that isn't lost on Morrow, though he admits there was never expectations when the band first came together. Going from local heroes to having fans in different parts of the globe is something Morrow and the band are thankful for, but acknowledges is still weird.

Regarded as an emerging prospect among the a thriving generation of genre-smashing heavy bands, GULCH, though reluctant, seemed destined. The record proves as such.

Watch the complete interview with Elliot Morrow of GULCH and stream Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress HERE.

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