Imperial Triumphant detail making heavy music an immersive experience on Mosh Talks

Imperial Triumphant detail making heavy music an immersive experience on Mosh Talks

- By Ramon Gonzales

Imperial Triumphant's avant-garde architect Zach Ezrin discusses the band's vision of extremity and their upcoming performance for Behemoth's In Absentia Dei live streaming event.

Zach "Ilya" Ezrin of forward-thinking heavy outfit Imperial Triumphant dropped in for a conversation on the KNOTFEST interview series, Mosh Talks.

In a discussion that drilled down on the band's comprehensive approach to creating music, Ezrin explained the avant-garde label as more of a symbiotic relationship. Considering the full audience experience, the band views the creative process as much more than simply making music.

Detailing how the art plays off the music and vice versa, the guitarist/vocalist for Imperial Triumphant reiterated how thinking multi-dimensionally results in a more dynamic brand of heavy music. Drawing from the complexity of classical and jazz, Ezrin and the like-minded musicians in Imperial Triumphant thrive in creating unconventionally.

Included in the conversation was Ezrin's affinity for New York. As a native of the city, he cited the region's grittiness and diversity as being particularly conducive for creative collaboration. It becomes very clear that a healthy portion of the band's identity is firmly connected to where the music is made and that it's something inspiring to be linked with the lineage of New York's history of musical innovation.

Imperial Triumphant will be participating in Behemoth's upcoming In Absentia Dei live-streaming event set for September 5th. The band's opening set will be broadcast live from the Lower Eastide cabaret club, The Slipper Room.

For Ezrin, the opportunity to share the unique platform with Behemoth is something important for myriad of reasons. Citing Behemoth as an influence, he would detail how the band has become such a success in the realm of heavy music and has done do without having to compromise their creative direction. It's a reality that Ezrin calls inspirational.

The conversation would touch on the band's current release, Alphaville, what it's like to work with someone as artistically fluid as Mr. Bungle guitarist Trey Spruance, and how the the category of metal is simply kind of a default in describing the totality of Imperial Triumphant.

Watch the complete interview with Zach Ezrin on Mosh Talks below.

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