Marshall Gallagher discusses the evolution and resilience of Teenage Wrist on Mosh Talks

Marshall Gallagher discusses the evolution and resilience of Teenage Wrist on Mosh Talks

- By Ramon Gonzales

Adapting to significant changes and overcoming hefty challenges, the frontman explains how 'Earth Is A Black Hole' has more significance than just a standard sophomore effort.

As the band celebrated the release of their sophomore LP, Earth Is A Black Hole, Teenage Wrist guitarist turned frontman Marshall Gallagher discussed the major changes, challenges, and accomplishments associated with the record on the latest installment of Mosh Talks.

Given that the band's 2018 debut in Chrome Neon Jesus had such a significant impact, Teenage Wrist ultimately transitioning into a duo for their follow-up was naturally met with some healthy skepticism.

Gallagher would go onto explain that while moving into the role of frontman for the band prompted some uncertainty on an internal level, the decision to press on with the evolved version of Teenage Wrist was affirmed when singles like "Taste of Gasoline" and "Silverspoon," resonated so well with fans. While the change likely would have dismantled other bands, Teenage Wrist proved to be as resilient as they are talented.

Gallagher also explained some the strategy in the series of singles that introduced the record. Detailing that "Silverspoon" worked well as a sort of bridge from the previous record to the present, it was the song that was the closest to the Teenage Wrist fans grew fond of with Chrome Neon Jesus.

On the opposite end of that spectrum, Gallagher shared that the album's title track was a creative 180 and initially wasn't even going to make the cut. When packaged together however, the tandem of tracks showcases not just the band's range as musicians, but the scope of all that encompasses Teenage Wrist - from then til now.

As for where Teenage Wrist find themselves in the ever-changing landscape of rock as a whole, Gallagher values the smaller community that is paying attention, not the bigger community of potential fans that need convincing. Finding gratification in crafting a quality product and seeing how well it marinates with fans, old and new, is the metric in which he assesses his success and finds merit in such hard work. For Gallagher, thriving in the niche is always better than compromising to reach the masses.

As for the theme of the album. Gallagher flexed a healthy mindset in explaining that while the tone still embraces the sort of melancholy attributes that anchored Chrome Neon Jesus, there is a sense of optimism that rounds out the music. The underlying notion of the album throughout is the reality that life is fleeting, nothing, good or bad will last forever so every moment is worth savoring.

Get the compete interview with Marshall Gallagher of Teenage Wrist below. Get the album 'Earth Is A Black Hole' out on Epitaph Records - HERE

Podcast version of Mosh Talks with Beez available on all streaming platforms.

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