Emerging UK downtempo-deathcore collective Bound In Fear have released a compelling animated short film for the track "Everback," from their current Unique Leader Records EP, 'Eternal'.
Opting to give this particular entry a much more cinematic treatment, the title's weighty themes are what drove the band to do something especially poignant for the track.
Bound in Fear vocalist Ben Mason explains the scope of the project. "It felt alien making a video that was so personal and honest to me. Seeing it in its final form really tore me up, and made me realise how much the video’s subject still affects my life. I thought I had dealt with it, but in reality it is something I will always have to live with. There are so many others who have suffered in this way and are afraid to talk about it. If this video encourages even one person to reach out and get help, then that means the world to us and is a step in the right direction for society."
Approaching their craft with a keen sense of earnestness, the band has cultivated a reputation for skillfully navigating the requisite heft of the genre, with real-life trauma that results in especially convincing aggression. Rather than develop fictional accounts of horror, Bound In Fear boldly take on the dark side of reality that resonates as musicallly powerful and personally potent.
The result of that combination has struck a chord with a fervent base that continues to champion the band's brand of dread. Making the emphatic debut in their 2019 effort, The Hand of Violence, the band established a precedent that took the genre well beyond the entry level brutality. The band's most recent effort in 2021 EP Eternal, further cements their distinction as one of the genre's more articulate aggressors.
Mason offered an overall assessment of the band's creative vision, “Bound In Fear to me has always been self-explanatory - it's about things that we go through in life that define us as people. The Eternal EP touches on memories that manifest into nightmares, substance abuse, childhood trauma and everything in between that we don't talk about because we feel ashamed.
“In our music we always try to give an honest experience to show people that they are not alone, but to also help them understand that being angry, sad, upset and confused is okay - not everyone can see what happens behind closed doors. The things that we experience may be Eternal, but they can also be beaten.”
Watch the band's ambitious animated short film for the track "Everblack" below. Their Unique Leader Records' EP 'Eternal' is currently available - HERE