Guns N’ Roses unveils ’Not In This Lifetime’ Pinball game

Guns N' Roses unveils 'Not In This Lifetime' Pinball game

- By Ramon Gonzales

Get a look at the "greatest rock n roll experience under glass" customized by pinball enthusiast, Slash.

Guns N' Roses has teamed with Jersey Jack Pinball to introduce the "Not In This Lifetime" pinball game customized by Slash himself along with revered pinball game designer, Eric Meunier.

The passion project was a two-year long venture spearheaded by pinball enthusiast, Slash. In fact, the guitarist crafted specific plays and actions, recorded guitar riffs, music, voice, and video for the new game as well as, four unique guitar features for four playable modes in the game. The process was especially hands-on for Slash.

Guns N’ Roses unveils ’Not In This Lifetime’ Pinball game

"It's been a very fulfilling experience working with Jersey Jack on the new GNR Not in This Lifetime pinball machine,” says SLASH. “Jersey Jack pinball games are some of the most unique and beautiful pins ever made and I am honored to have been able to work with their brilliant team to design one of the most original and exciting rock 'n' roll pins ever produced."

“To have this type of design work and participation from the game’s namesake creating the actual pinball game, has never, ever, been done before in the industry,” adds Jersey Jack Pinball designer Eric Meunier.

The gameplay experience incorporates elements of the band's sound and stage show through multiple LCD screens and customized LED lighting to replicate the 'Not In This Lifetime' production which is now the third highest-grossing concert outing of all time. The game is designed around playing through the Guns N’ Roses entire 21-song setlist with a concert stage and moving spotlights.

Guns N’ Roses unveils ’Not In This Lifetime’ Pinball game

The Guns N’ Roses “Not In This Lifetime” pinball game is available in three models including the Standard Edition, a Limited Edition, and the Collector’s Edition -- limited to just 500 units, and is signed by Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan.

All three versions are available - HERE

Watch the trailer for the Guns ‘N’ Roses pinball game below.

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